Have I got the wrong réfractomètre?

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House Bee
Feb 1, 2024
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No idea why that autocorrected to French but hey ho.

So I got a réfractomètre for my birthday but it says it’s a brix one. Is it still ok? I tested a bit of supermarket honey with it and it sat at bang on 20 whatevers. What is a brix and do I need a different réfractomètre?

I ask because - pause for dramatic effect - I have honey. It’s been settling for 2 days and I’m hoping to jar some today ☺️
you should have more than one scale on the reading pane, usually water content and Brix - the Brix is just the measure of sugar content in the solution
On the left it says brix% just in words then there’s the main scale in the middle and on the right it says 20 degrees c.
you should have more than one scale on the reading pane, usually water content and Brix - the Brix is just the measure of sugar content in the solution
Is there a way of converting brix to water content?