My apologies, I completely missed your above post and only just came across it when looking for Blessed Millets boots. He had left them on top of the post so I was unable to see it.
Beebreeding is a trifle tricky in Ireland. We have FIBKA, UBKA, INIB, Buckfast Beekeepers Association, Irish Native honey bee Association and "Deh Min from Deh Departmint" who by their own standards are well educated (they knew someone who could read and write) and very capable ( they very selectively enforce ambiguous EU legislation. Protestants first and then Polish beekeepers).
There is little doubt but that the Native Bee fraternity are playing for control.They cannot or will not supply queens or nucs, but are doing everything in their power to stop someone who wants bees from importing them. This is sad, there is room enough here for everyone and good wiil would make such a difference.
There is also much hypocrisy, it has long been claimed that a pivotal member of the Native Bee Society was supplying bees that were not very native! This year one of his nucs arrived near the border and we went down and had a look, their physical characteristics and behaviour were that of a Carniolan cross, remarkably they were quiet bees. The Native Bee Society has to be aware of what is happening, it is scarcely surprising they will not publish DNA verification of purity. FIBKA is loosing ground and spends it's time trying to undermine others instead of striding out with innovative initiatives of it's own.
Holidays on the Baltic Islands and tea with Mr Schley are such a welcome respites.