Getting stung by bees interesting link

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Jun 24, 2009
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Thrapston Northamptonshire
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Sorry if this has been posted before just found it after reserching bee stings.

My wife is worried by the panel of "allergy experts" she does keep fit with that have told her that if I keep getting stung I will drop dead one day soon.:eek:

Seems that it 100 times more likely I will be murdered than die from getting stung by bees.

Link below
Some people become allergic to bee stings, but some people are cured of allergies by desensitization - which is a treatment whereby you get small doses of the venom at weekly intervals. Many beekeepers get this anyway, and in my case a mild allergic condition naturally disappeared over time.

Some unlucky people can have anaphylactic shock which is where the body overreacts and if this happens, as described in your article you need swift (four minutes) treatment - one or two shots from an epipen which is an adrenaline injection. Such a condition can be exacerbated if you are also "shocked" by an unexpectedly frightening attack by bees - this seems to make it worse.

I am not a Doctor, but the best thing seems to be to get on with beekeeping and see what happens. If you are worried then seek medical attention and ask your doc for an epipen.
Most people are fine, a few develop an allergy. A sensible first precaution might be to make sure you have a mobile to hand if you're alone at an out-apiary.
A few years ago I was stung on the hand; fingers swelled up like sausages and actually split in all the knuckle creases. V painful for about 5 days; sorted itself out over time and good phone advice from NHS direct. Haven't been stung since! (more careful now) and keep an epi pen and mobile with me whenever doing inspections. This link seems to suggest it might be a 'one off' reaction, which is good news...
A few years ago I was stung on the hand; fingers swelled up like sausages and actually split in all the knuckle creases. V painful for about 5 days; sorted itself out over time and good phone advice from NHS direct. Haven't been stung since! (more careful now) and keep an epi pen and mobile with me whenever doing inspections. This link seems to suggest it might be a 'one off' reaction, which is good news...

Not nice but not epipen territory. Anaphylactic shock swelling occurs elsewhere from the part stung. And ordinary swelling depends on where stung and how venomous the little blighter(s) was/were that delivered the sting(s). Certainly joints and heads are no fun at all.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of beekeepers (more, to be fair, in the barefoot beekeeping department) who don't wear veils (often in the US but not exclusively)....and seeing photos of their child on FB with a swollen up face as if it's something to be proud of...ggggrrrrrrr.....
the panel of "allergy experts" she does keep fit with

More people die from "keep-fit" than from insect related bits or stings in the UK!:eek:

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I got a little sting on my little finger yesterday through my gloves stuck 3 slices of lemon in a glass with loads of ice and kept my finger in it for about 15 mins, Still a little swollen today but I am sure it has helped.
I got a little sting on my little finger yesterday through my gloves stuck 3 slices of lemon in a glass with loads of ice and kept my finger in it for about 15 mins, Still a little swollen today but I am sure it has helped.

Didn't you forget to add something?

Gin and tonic perhaps!

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i got stung on mi ankle on thursday poor girl got stuck between ankle and shoe and then panicked, i was on the allotment and noticed some vinegar in the kitchen area so dabbed a bit of that on (old wives tale i know) but after half hour the pain was gone
i got stung on mi ankle on thursday poor girl got stuck between ankle and shoe and then panicked, i was on the allotment and noticed some vinegar in the kitchen area so dabbed a bit of that on (old wives tale i know) but after half hour the pain was gone

Um, no. The old wives' tale is Bees Bicarbonate, Wasps Vinegar.

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