BBKA general husbandry pass rate for 2011 was 71% (in 2010 68%) ie most people pass OK. Two examiners are used and produce separate reports. The moderator writes to everyone whether they pass or fail. People who fail should recognise that they may well have deficiencies in their ability to manipulate bees, extraction facilities, records, queen rearing, equipment and its storage. If they take the report constructively and address the issues then they may become better beekeepers and pass next time. Those that don't except the result invariably blame the examiners, take their bat home and never want to come out to play again. As an examiner, I come across lots of beekeepers who think that they are much better than they really are but have never had anyone point out to them before their b... obvious faults. We much prefer candidates to pass but occasionally we come across people who haven't read the syllabus or the guidelines and haven't been on a training course and on the day are not sufficiently prepared.