From an ebay ad.

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
A watch for sale on ebay has the following as one of the conditions of sale.

The terms: watch, clock, timepiece, chronometer, chronograph; shall at no time be taken to describe the function of any article offered for sale
So it's a teapot instead?
The only thing I use to buy of ebay were swiss army knifes then the BBC show watchdog stopped them doing it.
The only thing I use to buy of ebay were swiss army knifes then the BBC show watchdog stopped them doing it.

It was for your own safety.
The knives probably didnt carry a H&S warning telling people that you could cut yourself.
There was a time when you could sell a Stanley blade but not a Stanley knife.
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Another clause from the Terms & Conditions is..

All statements relating to any items sold by the Vendor are statements of opinion and are not nor are they to be relied upon as statements of representation, or fact. Illustrations are solely for the guidance of intending purchasers and are not to be relied upon in terms of tone or colour or necessarily to reveal imperfections in any items. Intending customers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to all such matters, as to the physical description of any items and as to whether or not any item has been repaired.

Is it therefore that "A Big Yellow Bird" may in fact be a green pipe cleaner and the pictures and desciption of yellow bird were not intended to infer that it was actually a yellow bird being offered for sale..or indeed that it was a bird at all.

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