Free pooch food.

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
Had a couple of hours out last night with the lamp..she done ok till she hit something and put a hole in her front leg.. not to worry she will be good to go next week hopefully.. all skinned and chopped up ready for the mincer which will give 40+ pound 0f mince when finished...does anyone else do similar as it is cracking food for the pooches..


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Had a couple of hours out last night with the lamp..she done ok till she hit something and put a hole in her front leg.. not to worry she will be good to go next week hopefully.. all skinned and chopped up ready for the mincer which will give 40+ pound 0f mince when finished...does anyone else do similar as it is cracking food for the pooches..

Eating rabbit alone isn't good for humans I'm told. Does the same apply for a dogs diet?
I'm told our local hunt kennels use a lot of horse meat (normally casualty animals)
When we have rabbit pie we only eat the meat..when it is minced for the dog's the bones/kidneys/heart/lungs and all the fat are mixed together..additional food stuff is added now and again which can be peas/broccoli/apple/chicken wings/tripe and a few tins of mackerel..the added bits cost money but it is basically a BARF diet (bones and raw food) which is rather good for the pooches..;)
When we have rabbit pie we only eat the meat..

My wife is gluten intolerant so I can't remember the last time I had a rabbit pie. My mum used to make them when I was a kid though. Delicious!

Well done Millet.It looks like you made a small dent in the rabbit population.
Eating rabbit alone isn't good for humans I'm told.

That's because digesting just the flesh depletes vitamins & minerals from the body, (if you eat all of it there's a slight difference) that's why we eat Rabbit in a stew with veg etc.
+ if you catch the rabbits & feed them aconites, . . . . .:angelsad2:

Isn't "lamping" illegal at the moment??:rules:

Or are they likely to be classed as Vermin in the near future, (global warming e.t.c.)?
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That's what I was thinking.... wasn't sure if I should congratulate him or not, or should we be congratulating the dog, am I correct, did that skinny thing catch all of them!? I'll never make a disparaging remark about a skinny... dog again ;-)
Well Done, add the offal to a stew, and make a version of Irish Stew!
My wife is gluten intolerant so I can't remember the last time I had a rabbit pie. My mum used to make them when I was a kid though. Delicious!

Well done Millet.It looks like you made a small dent in the rabbit population.
Thank you.. the dent would have doubled if she never hurt her leg... you could still make rabbit stew and do away with the crust..;)
Thank you.. the dent would have doubled if she never hurt her leg... you could still make rabbit stew and do away with the crust..;)

I suppose you're right. It was just when you mentioned rabbit pie, it brought back memories of my mums. She used to put an egg-cup upside down in the middle to support the pastry. Is that how you do it? I suppose your pie's are so full of meat (a la "Desperate Dan" - although he had cow pie if my memory is correct) there's no space left.
Rest and tlc will put that right. As you say, she'll be ready to go again within the week.
memories of my mums. She used to put an egg-cup upside down in the middle to support the pastry.

Wasn't it a "Pie Vent"?

We had a couple, one was shaped as a duck with its open beak protruding above the pastry. I stopped the filling from bursting at the seam.

Bit like this;
I suppose you're right. It was just when you mentioned rabbit pie, it brought back memories of my mums. She used to put an egg-cup upside down in the middle to support the pastry. Is that how you do it? I suppose your pie's are so full of meat (a la "Desperate Dan" - although he had cow pie if my memory is correct) there's no space left.
Rest and tlc will put that right. As you say, she'll be ready to go again within the week.

I don't eat much rabbit pie these days as i have gone off it a little through eating too much over the years...but when i do eat it my lady friend does the same as your mum used to do with a little cup in the middle..
And will they be classed as vermin??

Would like to see the grey Squirrels wiped out round here, numbers increasing uncontrolled.

They have always been classed as vermin the same as grey squirrels and a lot of other species..there is no close season on either and they can be shot trapped or lamped all through the year with up to two dogs with the land owners permission which i have quite a lot of..
Wasn't it a "Pie Vent"?

We had a couple, one was shaped as a duck with its open beak protruding above the pastry. I stopped the filling from bursting at the seam.

I thought it was to support the pastry so it didn't fall into the gravy and get wet.
Maybe she used an egg-cup because it was all she had to hand.
I thought it was to support the pastry so it didn't fall into the gravy.

It all comes under the magic things they do in the kitchen.
Secret knowledge of these things occupies the same area of the brain that enables the correct loading of dishwashers etc

but only one of the two memories can be maintained! :serenade:
It all comes under the magic things they do in the kitchen.
Secret knowledge of these things occupies the same area of the brain that enables the correct loading of dishwashers etc

but only one of the two memories can be maintained! :serenade:

I can manage the dishwasher. It's sorting clothes for the washing machine that defeats me
I can manage the dishwasher. It's sorting clothes for the washing machine that defeats me

  • dishwasher loading
  • Remembering fabric softener waterproofs towels & therefore stops them from working
  • lighting the wood burner, (with only one firelighter cube)

are all relatively simple, (if perhaps left brain related).
I have difficulty;
  • Detecting a single red sock in the middle of a pile of whites
  • Sifting the delicate lacy items out of the pairs of jeans due for a good boil wash

  • finding thing that have been "tidied up" whilst in use?

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