Fossil fuel warning.

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
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I don't believe this is going to happen, human greed will never allow it.

China, Russia and the United States will have to leave their huge deposits of coal – the dirtiest of the three main fossil fuels – underground, while the Middle East will need to agree to keep much of its wealth-creating oil and gas reserves where they are.

Similarly, Canada will have to relinquish its ambitions of producing oil from tar sands and the Arctic nations, mainly Russia, will have to agree that exploiting oil and gas in this environmentally sensitive region would be incompatible with a global climate agreement.
So the Russians and Saudis are going to agree to become much poorer.

And in another fairy tale , pigs fly and money grows on trees.

Although fuel consumption is declining on a like for like basis due to better insulation and efficiency (see cars)

No populace from any country is going to let their governments make them poorer - the answer is asking people to use less fossil fuels the answer is to find a practical replacement.

As much as we moan about big business etc it is normally people driving to work, using central heating, fridges etc that do the most damage and we're unlikely to give that up.
Its more probably the "other countries" reducing oil prices to screw the Russians. They need to sell a barrel of oil at $100 to break even.

Check out the amount of pollution being given off from burning peat.
We're all DOOMED Captain Manering, I tell ee...............DOOMED!
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The Independent - the daily version of Viz


You cannot be slurring this superb publication, shirley?
What I can recall from paleontology is: CO2 concentration in the air was multiple times higher millions of years ago than it is now. And climate on the planet was significantly warmer. It was a time when huge animals and plants existed, and thrived. Its a few catastrophes (huge volcano eruptions and massive meteorite landings) that spoiled our climate, making it much colder.
The Long term “nuclear winters” on the planet aroused due to air pollution by dust and smoke, so that sun beams could not reach our planet surface for a long long times. That`s how huge white ice and snow deposits on the poles of the globe was formed, making it not easy to reheat our climate again, as they still simply reflect a significant amount of sun energy back to space.
If our climate become warmer, it will increase evaporation of water from the ocean. Africa, Australia, South America and all those who experience serious luck of water in certain territories, will get more rains, and dry landscape will turn green again, as millions of years ago. A climate on the globe will become much milder. If all ice gets melted on the poles, it will raise global water level in the ocean for about 1 meter. It definitely will affect many, the “low profile” countries and locations in particular, but it will open new huge territories that we call now “permafrost”. And the common benefit for humanity as a whole, as some scientists believe, would be really great.
TVs? Newspapers? I do not watch and read them anymore, as they are full of propaganda, making us some sort of a zombies. Politicians of every single country simply trying “pooling a blanket on their own side” all the time using this mass media. I do not trust them anymore. All of them.
If I want to get some news I go on different forums, read information from different sources, analyze it in the logical way (as much as my brain allows :) ), and come to my own conclusion. It does not guarantee that it is the wright one, but it is mine one, the least affected by the media… at a certain degree of course, as we have no direct access to the news making persons or locations.
The best and preferable way of getting another sorts of information for me is focusing on books and scientific articles… Highly recommended :)
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Well ... it took 30 years from 1989 to 2009 to get all 197 UN countries signed up to the Montreal Protocol that sought to limit the amount of CFC/HFC Ozone depletives released into the atmosphere. The current prediction is that ozone levels in the upper atmosphere will be returned to their 1980 levels by the year 2050 as a result of this action. Having said that the 2012 Amendments have still not been ratified by a single country -including the UK !

So ... there is hope that, once the penny drops, the toothless wonder of the UN can become an effective - albeit sluggish, nepotistic, incompetent and expensive - fulcrum for change in international attitudes but ...

I'm with Hivemaker on fossil fuels - just too much at stake for any government to pick up on such a vote losing policy. What it needs is (and it's been said on here many times before) is a fundamental change in attitude, internationally, at a personal level. Eliminating waste, reducing fuel usage, food consumption and birthrate and a redistribution of the food resources we share on our planet ....

But - it's not going to happen until something happens globally that affects every single person on the planet - I can't see it happening at Goverrnent level and I see far too much 'I'm alright Jack' attitudes on an individual level.

Certainly not in my lifetime but I have hopes that my grandchildren will inherit a planet that is beginning to heal itself ...
Fracking is very much alive as a relative of mine who is a geologist has been commissioned by the government to look at possible areas for fracking
The elephant in the room is the massive thermonuclear reactor at the centre of our solar system and its cyclic changes which totally ignore mankinds presence.

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