Fossil fuel warning.

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......and I see far too much 'I'm alright Jack' attitudes on an individual level.
f ...

As evidenced by the fly tipping thread, selfish pricks with no social conscience seem to be rife in this country. Tony Blair had one thing right, education, education, education! The only alternative I see would be some sort of authoritarian state where the chavs get sent to the gulag.
Fracking is very much alive as a relative of mine who is a geologist has been commissioned by the government to look at possible areas for fracking

Democracy in action :rolleyes:
Next you'll be telling me they're privatising the nhs and sneaking in gm through the back door against the nation's wishes.
Wolf's in wolf's clothing, robbing the poor to make the rich richer.
The elephant in the room is the massive thermonuclear reactor at the centre of our solar system and its cyclic changes which totally ignore mankinds presence.

I am assured that all Climate Change Models take that into account..err......:)
So the alternative to fossil fuel will be nuclear or renewable energy, somehow I think it will lean towards renewable energy with big companies owning and dictating the price per unit, possibly China designing, manufacturing and erecting such power units for a large percentage of the profits as part of a doggy deal. You only have to look at what happened to our car industry.
Fracking is very much alive as a relative of mine who is a geologist has been commissioned by the government to look at possible areas for fracking
You could ask your relative, what does he know about theories re. hydrogen-reach nucleus and mantle of our planet.(He`ll be surprised…probably :) )
Larin V.N. states that hydrogen from depth of our planet could provide humanity with very cheap, sustainable, and clean environment-friendly energy for hundreds of thousands years presumably. Recently he discovered some locations that are very reach in hydrogen seepage:” We estimated a daily hydrogen flow seeping out at the surface is between 21,000 and 27,000 m3 in one of these structures.”
He works tenths of years in this topic as a scientist, researcher and geologist too.
I find his book very interesting ( free to read):
You could ask your relative, what does he know about theories re. hydrogen-reach nucleus and mantle of our planet.(He`ll be surprised…probably :) )
Larin V.N. states that hydrogen from depth of our planet could provide humanity with very cheap, sustainable, and clean environment-friendly energy for hundreds of thousands years presumably. Recently he discovered some locations that are very reach in hydrogen seepage:” We estimated a daily hydrogen flow seeping out at the surface is between 21,000 and 27,000 m3 in one of these structures.”
He works tenths of years in this topic as a scientist, researcher and geologist too.
I find his book very interesting ( free to read):

Unfortunately Beekaka, there have been many claims of "cheap sustainable" fuel sources or methods of energy generation over the past few decades. The problem is, only money people can afford to exploit these resources (or bury them for business reasons) and then they charge the masses vast sums for the energy in any case. The second problem is that people don't want to pay (or can't afford to pay) for expensive energy, so no incentive to pressure the Government. So catch 22 most of the time.
I remember "Tomorrows World" (popular TV science show for the younger members) saying that Nuclear energy was the way forward and would provide virtually free energy. Bo**ocks! So back to square one I'm afraid.
Incidentally I wonder how many of the items on that program ACTUALLY came to fruition? :toetap05:
alternative fuel will always be expensive when there is the black stuff in the ground, technology in storing energy is so behind the time, i wonder why !
alternative fuel will always be expensive when there is the black stuff in the ground, technology in storing energy is so behind the time, i wonder why !

We have all the technology and know how we need as it is, but with it being so relatively cheap and easy to dig or pump it out of the ground there's not much incentive.
No Fossil Fuels for me

I don't bother with fossil fuels, I have a ground source heat pump. Heat is free only have to buy the electricity to power the pump. I receive the Renewable Heat Incentive Payment which helps offset the cost of installation and power costs. I would recommend this system if any one is building a new home or doing a conversion and have the land for the pipework.
I really don't know, but they won't have a chance in hell what with all local councilors and MPs living there
I have just been asked to sigh a petition to stop fracking in the Gower

Yes - it's terrible - go down to mumbles point late at night and see all the cars there, rocking away, windows all steamed up..........

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