Foam Cutter

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Queen Bee
Mar 28, 2012
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Damn! A lot more than I ever thought I'd have
I am modifying my Paynes Nuc boxes by cutting out the divider between the BB and internal feeder.

If I make a foam cutter like we had a school, all those years of joy and bliss before elf n safety, how much power will it need and what wire is best?

I see this as a viable alternative to a hot knife. Or at least I do until someone technical P's on my chips :icon_204-2:

Answers from those with the techy knowledge please.

Suggest you do a Google for: "Grant Thompson" & "The King of Random" - this guy does a series of Youtube videos on innovative projects. A couple of them are concerned with slicing styrofoam with a hot-wire. He goes into some detail regarding construction, power supplies etc.

But - I'd have thought for just the one job - that an old knife heated to dull red-heat would be quicker and easier ?
I use on of those multitool oscillating cutters - cuts clean and fast ... mine is a Bosch and I use it all the time for odd jobs - wouldn't be without one. They come up in various brands these days and the blades all fit all of them ...My local ALDI had one reduced to under £10 a few weeks ago - expect they are all sold now though ...
Suggest you do a Google for: "Grant Thompson" & "The King of Random" - this guy does a series of Youtube videos on innovative projects. A couple of them are concerned with slicing styrofoam with a hot-wire. He goes into some detail regarding construction, power supplies etc.

But - I'd have thought for just the one job - that an old knife heated to dull red-heat would be quicker and easier ?

Have about 9 of them to do
You can use thin steel wire and small isolating transformer about 20W and 6-12V output. Do not forget about safety.
I removed one of the compartments last season, in fact that Nuc has 8 frames in it. I used a Bosch Oscillating saw, it makes a mess mind! I then used the pieces I cut out to fill some of the voids. I also used the foaming polyurethane glue to stick them in and to fill any gaps, I sanding it all down after.

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