floor cleaning time?

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Field Bee
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
6 >12 - 14x12 + Nucs
had a little look through the entrance after temporarily taking entrance block out, the entrance way is totally clear but further back there are quit a few dead bees possibly stuck in the OMF should i forget about changing/cleaning the floor until the weather warms a bit or do ASAP?
I would leave it put for now, as long as the entrance is clear.
I cleaned all floors a few days ago. A couple of years ago we lost a hive which ahd clustered close to the entrance and it got full of debris at about this time of year. It was upsetting so now I check they are doing their own house keeping ok and help them along if they arent quite managing it. Out of our hives 5 had clean floors and the rest benefitted from a bit of help this year. Alli do is whip out the entrance on a mild day and stick a ruler or a bighive tool in and hook out the dead bees and crud (technical term of course!) on the floor. The beees didnt seem that bothered with the exception of two hives which wanted to know what I was up to!
The bees didnt seem that bothered with the exception of two hives which wanted to know what I was up to!

I tried it once, when the bees were quiet. They immediately wanted to know what I was doing, so much so I had to stop for fear of killing them. I guess beeboybee you'll could give it a go and see what yours think, but if the entrance is clear you could leave it until next month then change the floor.
I guess I did distract mine first with neopol and my bees are generally not too bothered by my medling. The frisky ones had great piles of debris outside anyway so i concluded that they could manage without my help.
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but further back there are quit a few dead bees

How long have they been there? Another month or so will likely make no odds whatsoever. If one does not leave a small entry point, it is very unlikely to become completely blocked - a very simple strategy. A few dead bees is a normal occurrence in the winter.

'Quite a few' is obviously not 'quite a lot', so no real hassle and certainly not a ASAP job.

Leave them in peace during cold weather and only disturb when really necessary.

i agree with Oliver90owner. if a few they'll get to it when they can. not to worry. but if it's bugging you give it a try, this is how experience is gathered.

Good luck.
Brother Adam used to change all the floors on his hive early in the year - February I seemed to remember. This was in the days of solid floors and every hive had the old floor removed and a clean one replaced it.
Hi had the same problem the other day. I briefly removed mouseguard & entrance block, gently put in a bamboo cane and used it to sweep out the dead bees. It's a gentle colony an it only took a minute and seemed to cause little disturbance.
I just use a small stick and clear the few dead from the enterance once and a while. No need to go crazy just enough to make sure they can get out.