Fitting metal frame spacers onto supers

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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I've bought some metal 10 frame spacers to fit to some of my supers.
Here gos with a silly question.... they are shorter than the inside of the supers by quite bit, so do you fit them in the middle and have a big bee space at either end of the super or fit 1 side and use some kind of a dummy board?

If anybody has a photo of them fitted and with frames in for me to see that so If he great thanks.
Hi Simon

I take it you mean castellations - 10 slots on a thin strip of metal?
Fit them in the middle - but if there is as big a gap as you say, you may have been sent/bought the wrong size. Usually I have found then to be a tight fit to the extent I have had to shorten them.
What is the difference in measurement between the spacer and the inside of the box?
Some of mine can have a gap of a few mm so nothing significant.
I don't use them there a pain , I prefer to use my thumbs!. ???
Maybe not the best method you get stung sometimes.
Thanks for the replies guys..... they have a big gap either ends of about 10mm so I think I have the wrong size. I ordered for national so will contact supplier as looks to be their fault.
Thanks for the replies guys..... they have a big gap either ends of about 10mm so I think I have the wrong size. I ordered for national so will contact supplier as looks to be their fault.

You have castellated spacers for WBC boxes

Ditch them!


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