New Bee
This is my first post so apologies if I don't know all the lingo!!
My husband and I are new to bee-keeping, we have done a bee-keeping course and there's nothing like hitting the ground running and we are ever so enthusiastic!!
We took delivery of our first nuc in March which had 3 full frames with spacers from a very experienced apiarist. After 3 weeks we moved them into their new hive, then provided frames as they kept up the activity.
We have diligently monitored the hive every 1-2 weeks, but could never find the queen - despite scrutinising the frames, however we did note queen cells. We dispatched them as advised, but unfortunately we still had a swarm this morning, which settled in the tree above the hive.
We took advice and in the time it took to source a ladder big enough to reach the swarm, maybe an hour at most because my husband had calls to deal with - working from home for obvious reasons - then suited up and got out there they had gone.
We both felt crestfallen because we were going to put them into the nuc we initally had until we could build another hive.
We have since checked the hive and found another 8 queen cells which except for one, we have dispatched because we don't know if the virgin queen has hatched or not.
Several questions (sorry) - Is this normal? Did we do something wrong or miss something? How the hell do you spot a queen in a writhing mass (we know what she looks like but can't spot her)? Are they going to swarm again before we check the hive in 6 weeks?
All advice and recommendations hugely and gratefully received.
Thank you
This is my first post so apologies if I don't know all the lingo!!
My husband and I are new to bee-keeping, we have done a bee-keeping course and there's nothing like hitting the ground running and we are ever so enthusiastic!!
We took delivery of our first nuc in March which had 3 full frames with spacers from a very experienced apiarist. After 3 weeks we moved them into their new hive, then provided frames as they kept up the activity.
We have diligently monitored the hive every 1-2 weeks, but could never find the queen - despite scrutinising the frames, however we did note queen cells. We dispatched them as advised, but unfortunately we still had a swarm this morning, which settled in the tree above the hive.
We took advice and in the time it took to source a ladder big enough to reach the swarm, maybe an hour at most because my husband had calls to deal with - working from home for obvious reasons - then suited up and got out there they had gone.
We both felt crestfallen because we were going to put them into the nuc we initally had until we could build another hive.
We have since checked the hive and found another 8 queen cells which except for one, we have dispatched because we don't know if the virgin queen has hatched or not.
Several questions (sorry) - Is this normal? Did we do something wrong or miss something? How the hell do you spot a queen in a writhing mass (we know what she looks like but can't spot her)? Are they going to swarm again before we check the hive in 6 weeks?
All advice and recommendations hugely and gratefully received.
Thank you