First year for apples

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Curly green finger's

If you think you know all, you actually know nowt!
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jul 30, 2019
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Hi, I planted two apple trees 7 years ago, they were bare root trees one is a braburn the other a coxes pippin.

Up here where I live we have late frosts and this has stopped us having any apples.
This spring for the first time in 16 years we didn't have the late frosts, and I've had 12 apples from the braburn tree but none from the coxes.
The apples don't look like braburn.
Also the raspberrys have been brilliant outside and in the tunnel,and I've been picking raspberry since middle of August..this mornings collection.
Tunnel now for autumn, winter.

Left bed mizuna, lettuce mix and kale.
Right bed more lettuce all year round, spring onions, radish,
At the top of the picture there is a bed also with raspberries.
The children have planted this tunnel and have been looking after it throughout the summer and autumn.

Alf, very pleased and explaining what seeds he has planted. IMG_20200903_182859.jpg
Hi, I planted two apple trees 7 years ago, they were bare root trees one is a braburn the other a coxes pippin.

Up here where I live we have late frosts and this has stopped us having any apples.
This spring for the first time in 16 years we didn't have the late frosts, and I've had 12 apples from the braburn tree but none from the coxes.
The apples don't look like braburn.
Also the raspberrys have been brilliant outside and in the tunnel,and I've been picking raspberry since middle of August..this mornings collection.
View attachment 22816View attachment 22817View attachment 22818
Tunnel now for autumn, winter.

Left bed mizuna, lettuce mix and kale.
Right bed more lettuce all year round, spring onions, radish,
At the top of the picture there is a bed also with raspberries.
The children have planted this tunnel and have been looking after it throughout the summer and autumn.

Alf, very pleased and explaining what seeds he has planted. View attachment 22819
Wonderful produce. Presumably the raspberries are something like a Lloyd George?
Wonderful produce. Presumably the raspberries are something like a Lloyd George?

Im not sure what they are Antipodes, they are from a garden project, the client had a 3 metre x 3 metre patch, and I had to remove them, so i took some home to grow. Unknown variety.
No, spray with what?

They look unsprayed...that's all :) . I thought that might be one reason that they don't look quite like you expected (you know, we get used to seeing ones from commercial growers/shops that have generally been sprayed).
They look unsprayed...that's all :) . I thought that might be one reason that they don't look quite like you expected (you know, we get used to seeing ones from commercial growers/shops that have generally been sprayed).

Hey farmer farmer
Put away the DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Til its gone

:cry::cry::cry:Sad to say due to the Chinese Pox we have orchards full of rotting apples as Cider makers are being faced with an absolute glut of apples... and nobody drinking the cider... all the great Cider fests and music festivals were cancelled.....
[comment deleted as definitely not P.C.]
and where did that get us.... another National Lockdown, which should have been implemented weeks ago!

I think I will go into our own orchard today and pick all the sweet apple varieties and scratter and crush and make a few gallons of sweet cider!

In our orchard co opperative of Tamar Valley variety growers we usually produce around 350000 gallons of apple juice each year!


Yeghes da :cheers2:
They look unsprayed...that's all :) . I thought that might be one reason that they don't look quite like you expected (you know, we get used to seeing ones from commercial growers/shops that have generally been sprayed).

Pesticide free up here on the hill.
Most of the local fruit and veg shops around here in the towns buy from farms that don't spray.

It might cost a little more than supermarkets but because of covid they need all the support they can get.
Plus it's a good selling point when our honey comes from pesticide free sites.
Hey farmer farmer
Put away the DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Til its gone

:cry::cry::cry:Sad to say due to the Chinese Pox we have orchards full of rotting apples as Cider makers are being faced with an absolute glut of apples... and nobody drinking the cider... all the great Cider fests and music festivals were cancelled.....
[comment deleted as definitely not P.C.]
and where did that get us.... another National Lockdown, which should have been implemented weeks ago!

I think I will go into our own orchard today and pick all the sweet apple varieties and scratter and crush and make a few gallons of sweet cider!

In our orchard co opperative of Tamar Valley variety growers we usually produce around 350000 gallons of apple juice each year!


Yeghes da :cheers2:
Why would you use ANT sprays on apples? :eek:
View attachment 22818
Tunnel now for autumn, winter.

Left bed mizuna, lettuce mix and kale.
Right bed more lettuce all year round, spring onions, radish,
The children have planted this tunnel and have been looking after it
Brilliant crop.
Welk done Curly kids 👏👏
I take my hat off to anybody who can eat that many greens.
We have codling moths and their caterpillars.
Holes in apples, cores rotten..
Spraying is not an option : it is a necessity.
Trapping this year caught 10-15 moths and still apple holes.
We have codling moths and their caterpillars.
Holes in apples, cores rotten..
Spraying is not an option : it is a necessity.
Trapping this year caught 10-15 moths and still apple holes.
I have a similar problem. But because the bees are amongst the trees, I use wax bands and a special paint on the trunk to stop them. It works reasonably.
I can say with all honesty that my apples have definitely not been sprayed since my Uncle Rhys died in 1971 - and they probably hadn't been sprayed well before then (not with his hives just over the hedge!)
I have a similar problem. But because the bees are amongst the trees, I use wax bands and a special paint on the trunk to stop them. It works reasonably.

I will try that.
Why would you use ANT sprays on apples? :eek:
Have you seen the size of the ANTS in the

Massive... and they love to nibble holes in apples!

Chons da
I have a similar problem. But because the bees are amongst the trees, I use wax bands and a special paint on the trunk to stop them. It works reasonably.
We have Fiesta, Bramley and Ashmeads Kernel apple trees near our hives. We put tree grease on the trunks in October & February, and hang a Codling Moth pheromone trap in the branches in May. Sure, the winter moth and codling moth spoil some of the crop but we still get enough good ones to see us through the winter. The ones with holes/grubs in are mostly turned into juice or fed to the birds. And no nasty chemicals in our garden which has been organic for 37 years!