New Bee
Yesterday was quite eventful. My hive (a strong nuc I got last year and now with a super) swarmed into the neighbours garden. Three hours later and a hive inspection complete everyone was in a cardboard box for the night.
Purchased a nuc this morning to put them in, feed in the top so waiting to see if they will stay now.
I will need to check the main hive in a few days to see how the queen cells are, (I left two there having recieved mixed advise to leave one or two).
Very eventful 24hours.
Purchased a nuc this morning to put them in, feed in the top so waiting to see if they will stay now.
I will need to check the main hive in a few days to see how the queen cells are, (I left two there having recieved mixed advise to leave one or two).
Very eventful 24hours.