Finest living bird on planet earth?

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And the guns...Here in Vermont, it's against the law to keep a wild animal. When we find an orphaned fawn, or a bird as I did, we're supposed to walk away and leave them be. Next time I won't be calling anyone.

Yeah, it's the 'shouldn't interfere with nature' approach, though they fail to grasp that probably most of the time, somebody has done just that by shooting its mother or knocking her down with a truck.
Good on you Mike, I'd call your action redressing the balance.
We have plenty of hawks, falcons, owls various sizes.. Chickens they pic in a sec.. Smaller ones go after chickens, bigger ones after hens..
Now they are welcome for me to get rid of birds, mice, and rest which target our hazelnuts.. I meet them every day, our hens are sooo attractive to them.. Our dogs and cats help in keeping them on distance.
On second apiary site one goshawk stand on high tree keeping birds away from hives, since there is more space open in surrounding bush. But it fly away when I come.

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