Finding an out apiary

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I had two replies after posting a wanted notice on the advertisement board at my local farm supply store. One reply was too far away but the other was perfect; 3.5 miles from home on a great site.
I reckon its better to find a site yourself and then approach the land owner. and tell them what you want. I've found if you ask "do they have anywhere suitable" you get given a poor area, either its not sheltered or its too shaded etc.
( Mentioned By JOHNANDYROB I agree)
I would advise you to be a bit pushy and try and get some place you want and not somewhere your lumbered with.
But i do understand its difficult if you aren't too experienced.
You lucky bunch!
I was looking for ages! Found one that wasn't too far from me but she leases the land to a farmer and although it's her land he said no!
Asked at a few other local farms and garden centres/nurseries and all said no, couldn't be bothered or said that they occasionally spray and couldn't be arsed to contact me if they were spraying.
Eventually found a farmer that was willing ten miles away from me but I'm limited to four hives, I've actually got six and a Nuc there at the moment but I've not had any comments about it.
Just inside a small wood on the edge of arable land with some large orchards within flying distance.
You lucky bunch!
I was looking for ages! Found one that wasn't too far from me but she leases the land to a farmer and although it's her land he said no!

That has been so common around me, they rent out and those renting saying no.. arghhh
a small plot came up only 1/2 acre but asking price is a bit to high

back to drawing board again
Eventually found a farmer that was willing ten miles away from me but I'm limited to four hives, I've actually got six and a Nuc there at the moment but I've not had any comments about it.

I'd make a point of mentioning it.
Far better to be honest up front than for him to possibly know, think it not important enough to mention, but still be a bit disconcerted that you have gone over what was agreed.
Describing having to do artificial swarms and combining and how the number of hives goes up and down over the year makes for an easy explanation.
I will, that's exactly why they have gone up but I don't think he will mind, AI won't go any higher on this site and may well move a couple when/if I find another site.