Fertile queens becoming Drone layers

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House Bee
Mar 19, 2009
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herts/bucks/midx border
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20+National,commercial langstroth
In the last 2 weeks I have had 3 colonies which had good this years queens turn into drone layers having previously been laying properly. I say this last 2 weeks but it may have been a little longer as it is not until the cells are capped that I could be sure that all the eggs laid were drones. This 3 hives out of 14 and the queens were all mated in good weather. Anybody else experiencing this problem.
I had something similar with my hives that came through last years winter where again I had 3 queens turn drone layers.
These queens emerged in may, june amd July and are not from the same mother
how long to laying?

mating has been very odd this year (may through august) for many.

DOI: 4 splits in early-mid may (espom area) well mated within a couple of weeks. 4 splits (lincs) late may also mated and laying in a couple of weeks.
Surprisingly short time between emerging and laying for all of them under 14 days one in an apidea the rest from nucs
I've had four newly mated fertile queens become drone layers this season and in each case around three to four frames of comb was ruined by the time it was confirmed
Also did a split which took a good eight weeks before she started to lay. I was amazed as I was going to shake the bees out as they had dwindled down to only covering two and a halve frames
As people say it's been a funny year, but then again every year is differant and we learn a little more each year