New Bee
I have just completed a task I have been putting off for several weeks - clearing out a super of frames containing partly capped honey & partly uncapped, & now well fermented, honey/nectar (not going into details why it is in that state!).
I have ended up with 3.5 jars of honey with a distinctly fermented taint, plus a litre or so of fermenting honey/nectar/cappings etc.
Question - can any of this be salvaged e.g. in baking (the "honey") or to make mead?
Is it possible to use the wild yeasts already in the fermenting mass to produce a mead or is it better to kill off the natural yeasts (how?), add a wine yeast & proceed from there?
Or better to say s*d it & chuck the lot?
I have ended up with 3.5 jars of honey with a distinctly fermented taint, plus a litre or so of fermenting honey/nectar/cappings etc.
Question - can any of this be salvaged e.g. in baking (the "honey") or to make mead?
Is it possible to use the wild yeasts already in the fermenting mass to produce a mead or is it better to kill off the natural yeasts (how?), add a wine yeast & proceed from there?
Or better to say s*d it & chuck the lot?