Feeding Fondant Late in Spring

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New Bee
Oct 16, 2010
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London uk
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I have 2 hives, one strong and one not very strong. The not very strong still has some fondant on it (above crown board) but I think I should take this off as the flow is good at present.
I have no reason to believe any robbing of the weaker hive is going on as I have not seen any bees travel between hives, the strong colony you can see coming in from various areas of flow as they descend into the apiary and when opening the weak colony you only ever see bees from this colony on the food as the colour of the bees is reasonably distinctive from the weaker colony to assist in spotting if they are from another colony. (Unless robbing bees only send in their girls who look like the colony being robbed!)
Questions are;
If the stronger colony are robbing the fondant how does fondant get stored?
When stored how will it affect the honey if its going into supers?
Are the signs obvious, what is there to look for?
I think the question should be why is this colony "weak"...how many frames of bees, how much brood, any signs of nosema, varroa numbers etc? And when you say weak compared to another colony if they are completely different colours they are likely a different type of genetics all together so may not be comparable.

More info needed, and take off the fondant.
Thanks but in this post I am querying fondant storage etc not the weak colony and it's status.
As a side note though susbees; I agree with you regarding "why" and am collecting bees shortly to test for nosema.

Just need the answers to the other queries at the mo though.


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