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Queen Bee
Dec 13, 2009
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I've come across an extractor on eBay. It seems very cheap. Not a lot of description on the advert about quality or frame size. What do you reckon? Item no 221655977961
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I've come across an extractor on eBay. It seems very cheap. Not a lot of description on the advert. What do you reckon? Item no 221655977961

Er, thats a phone number?
Funny sort of phone number. Were you just jumping at any opportunity to post per chance?

'Item number'
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Bought a cheap chinese jobby a few years back (which judging by the ebay blurb is where this one probably comes from) it leaked.....fortunately got my money back.
That's not to say they all leak or are all bad. But £99 is cheap.....
I'd say worth a punt, but fill her up with water as soon as it arrives and check it's watertight (or should that be honeytight). Paypal/ebay buying policy will ensure you get your money back if it's bad.
Funny sort of phone number. Were you just jumping at any opportunity to post per chance?

'Item number'

Er, no, when i click on the link you put on using my mobile it asks if i want to call or cancel??
Thanks. I have a plastic thornes extractor at the moment that I will probably put up with a while longer. The problem is it will only fit 2 national deep frames at a time.
yes a chinese tangential, I understand that they leak water at the handle rivetts when washing out but honey tight due to its higher viscocity and because your honey level doesnt get that high !
Probably worth only that price and probably worth a lot less once you try to use it.

I would await a report from him ringing the number. Then reject it anyway.

Whilst perusing flea buy you may also like this

eBay item number:

You could bid on similar exreacector thingy for lots less!

Yeghes da
yes a chinese tangential, I understand that they leak water at the handle rivetts when washing out but honey tight due to its higher viscocity and because your honey level doesnt get that high !

The ebay one I returned leaked from the very bottom.
I think it will be wise to stick with my plastic extractor until I can afford something of quality. Thanks for your thoughts!
Er, no, when i click on the link you put on using my mobile it asks if i want to call or cancel??

Your phone browser is enterpreting it as a phone number but I assure you it is not. It is an eBay item number..like I said. Sometimes, long lines of integers can be mistaken as phone numbers by certain types of browser software.
Your phone browser is enterpreting it as a phone number but I assure you it is not. It is an eBay item number..like I said. Sometimes, long lines of integers can be mistaken as phone numbers by certain types of browser software.

ok I was only trying to help as i'm sure others must be seeing the same thing if they use a phone. if I go on the lap top it doesn't show as a link I have to copy the number & post it on Ebay search & it works. if its any concellation I agree with others, its shite.

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