Sorry i take issue with that, I would never recommend to people that a single winter treatment was sufficient and never saw others do it. If i found anyone doing that i would have laughed at them. The only possible exception would be in parts of the world that have a shorter summer period and there by a shorter brood period and less of a chance for mite numbers to build. I would say winter treatments have been advocated as belt and braces approach when resistance built to apistan, but even then apiguard/thymol followed very swiftly. Also for those that were proactive info for additional treatments was available in the form of european research/treatments not yet approved in the uk.
I will continue a autunm treatment followed by winter because they serve different reasons...your first treatment kills the summer build up of mites and gives bees the ability to produce healthy winter bees. With very mild periods we can have months of brood rearing after treatment and there is also a chance of mites being picked up from other hives. So a simple winter treatment vape or trickle that costs pence, there is no chance of resistance issues and provides bees with the cleanest possible start to the following season is a no brainer. Personaly i prefer the trickle but obviously many are now vaping thats just choice. A number of times i trickled 200 plus hives in a day, you just could not do that with a vape. As for this rubbish about ripping into or disturbing hives in winter its just b%^&*%^$. You dont rip into them you do it with consideration!!!! I could just as easily say that opening/ripping into a hive in winter and treating will reduce any losses, it did for myself and many others in periods when others lost large numbers and far more than i or others that ripped into hives ever did.
Also dont confuse crap info given out by many regarding treatments particularly in the early days of organic treatments against those that did the research and followed good pratice already established in many parts of the world long before the UK