Entrance blocks...Rule of thumb?

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House Bee
Aug 8, 2012
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Hi, this post is similar to Beefarmer's, however, I was wondering whether there was a basic rule of thumb regarding the size of the entrance to a hive at various times of the year?
I will be getting my bees on 5 frames which will go into my Commercial BB. Should I make an entrance block with say a 1 inch space at the start of the year?
My suggestion would be, if you are making your own entrance blocks, to make the entrance just 7mm tall (ie low enough to be a mouseguard) and about 75mm (like 2.5 inches) wide.
And initially to reduce it to half its width using an offcut from a washing-up sponge, while you have a less than half-strength colony.
Should you ever get a robbing problem, reduce it further.

If your bees are queuing to get in (and you don't have a robbing problem) open it up a bit more, initially by removing sponge, potentially removing the block entirely when there's the action of a nectar flow.
I am going to stop removing the entrance block completely as I believe the bees are perfectly happy with an entrance of a couple of inches. I also think the removing of the entrance block completely in the summer had more to do with ventilating the hives when we had solid floors.
I am going to stop removing the entrance block completely as I believe the bees are perfectly happy with an entrance of a couple of inches. I also think the removing of the entrance block completely in the summer had more to do with ventilating the hives when we had solid floors.

Agree Tom, if you Varroa Baord is out then you have enough ventilation , same with mouse guards, only need to be full widthof floor if you are on solid floors as they are designed full width to vent the hive wedmore style
Agree Tom, if you Varroa Baord is out then you have enough ventilation , same with mouse guards, only need to be full widthof floor if you are on solid floors as they are designed full width to vent the hive wedmore style

bees vote against entrances greater than 30 sq cm (seeley honeybee democracy)
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If your bees are queuing to get in (and you don't have a robbing problem) open it up a bit more, initially by removing sponge, potentially removing the block entirely when there's the action of a nectar flow.

Should have said that my entrances are reduced except for the odd few weeks of manic action.
I want to avoid scrummaging, except when there is any question of robbing - when the queue is a good defensive move.

As the OP is getting a nuc, he will be fortunate to develop enough bees to need more than the restricted entrance during the colony's first year.

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