Seem to have found a REALLY easy way to light a smoker.
Ensure metal trivet is in the bottom of the smoker.
Corrugated cardboard about 2-3 inches deep either coiled or shredded.
Blow torch until well alight. Lots of puffing to make sure it is alight.
Then a handful of pet bedding - wood shavings. Check that the hamster is not in it, or better still use fresh. ;-)
Finally an inch or two of pure pine cat litter pellets (unused).
All alight in a few minutes and keeps going for ages.
In a two hour inspection may top up with cat litter towards the end of the two hours. Keep a box with cat litter in it with me - flip lid of smoker pour in more pellets, couple of puffs and it is going really well.
Tons of cool, white smoke. Keeps alight. Perfect.