Drones outside my hive

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Liam C Ryan

House Bee
Jun 22, 2010
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Found four drones alive outside my hive, If I have a drone laying Queen is it curtains for my hive at this time of the year?
Liam c Ryan
Hi Liam,
a drone layer would probably not make it. Adult drones means it not just happened. However, maybe she hasn't failed completely yet, and if you've got enough workers they might limp through to the point where you can requeen. Nothing you can do for a while though unless your curiosity gets the better of you and you check out the broodnest. Fingers crossed but I would suspect the worst.
All the best
Two possibilities here.

You have a very prosperous hive and they still have drones in from last year.... not unknown to happen.

Or you do have a DLQ in which case the drones will be undersized. Were your lads big uns or tiddlers?

If you do have a DLQ then the only cure is crunchie crunchie and unite the queenless remains to a good un to boost them up.

As PH says. One of my hives was very large going into winter and still have a good number of drones left over from last season.
However, I find the odd drone kicked out on the door step every now and then...

If there is no worker brood, only drone brood, I wouldn't unite them. The only bees left are likely to be the winter bees and they will be on their last legs. The only exception might be if you have a weak colony which still has a viable queen which might benefit from some extra bees, if only to cover the brood and gather forage. Although in this case you would have to ask yourself why it is weak and is worth saving?
We've had drones being booted out all through the winter. Most of them that we see are dead, but the odd live one has been seen (and heard!). Assuming you are seeing workers as well (on flying days), I wouldn't worry overly.
Plenty of workers flying two weeks back. Weather is still to cold to chance a look into the brood box just in case things are ok.
Still have drones in one of my hives, also loads of workers so not a problem at the mo
If you were previously god, who has taken on the role now! ha!
if there are lots of drones probably queenless did the bees cluster properly during winter?
Hi louiseww

Some spotty yob with no sense of humour :nopity:

John D

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