Drawing out comb in bb

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New Bee
Aug 31, 2010
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My bees have produced plenty of honey (2 1/2 filled supers) and I want to take it off and then feed them, but they haven't drawn comb on the outer 2-3 frames on each side of the brood. Im not sure why. Instead they have polished cells in the super above the Queen excluder. I'm concerned that when I remove the honey to feed them they have no room to store it?? I think they'll need feeding as soon as i remove the honey supers as there are no stores in the bb. (I'll treat them after I've fed them). Will they draw out more comb and fill it if I feed them? I really thought they would have drawn out the comb to fill with brood before now.
I have one hive that only ever works on seven frames, but over 100 lbs of honey! Try renewing the wax, it might help.
Take out just the 2 supers that are capped for extracting and leave them other one after putting it below the BB without the QE for them to use and you won't need to feed. Best feed they can have. They will in all probability move some or all of the stores up from the super into the BB - hey presto. You will then have brood and a half for next year and you will be able to treat now. Apiguard or MAQS or your own concoction? But don't remove super later this year just because it is part empty. That's the way I see it based upon your post but possibly misunderstood.?
If the queen has laid up those six frames solidly and you have lots of bees pop one of those undrawn frames in the middle. Feed or leave them some honey. Check in a week, you might be able to add another.

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