draining honey from decapping

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I used a 'fruit press' last year with good success (got it off freecycle brand new).
Put them in a straining bag, which kept the wax in, then used the press, topping up bag as I went along, then put the strained honey in a bucket to settle..............nice compressed wax for melting down and most of the honey captured.
The gun is really easy, try it. Just test the distance first, don't go too close or you'll burn the frame away, gently move it back and forth over the frame, takes about 5 seconds and no stickiness. As mentioned previously, the wax can pop off as it melts so put paper down but in the long run less mess and quicker.

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I often take the honey before it is capped, using the 'shake' test, and refractometer to check before extraction, but my last batch had a lot of capped frames, which was taking ages to prepare using an uncapping fork - so tried the heat gun for the first time. Much quicker process :)
Its all in the wrist action Elaine when your using an uncapping fork :)
This is the best de-capping demo with a fork that I have ever seen…

From 3.37 mins in...


Add the usual tube url in the XXX bit.

I'm going to try it with my final lot of supers soon.

BTW tried the hot gun trick, wasn't very successful, either cells not fully uncovered or wax splatter. Not too happy about getting flakes of mica in the honey either if some other posts are anything to go by :(
I use the heat gun, it's very easy and clean.