I read the other day that clipping queens is largely a waste of time unless you are near the hive pretty much every day to take action when they swarm.
thoughts ?
Hah hah. You may read what you want.
I live in capaital city 100 miles away from my hives and visit there only on weekend.
System is that you clip the queens ONE wing tip.
* when hive start to swarm, it raise first queen cells. First swarm leave when the first queen cells are capped. So it takes one week.
* swarm leaves and queen will be destroyed. Swarm return to the hve and wait that virgn queen emerghe and is able to frly. Now it have gone 2 weeks.
So, I must check hives every week, because two weeks interval is too late.
Queen clipping gives me time to do checking.
When you notice queen cells in the hive, a wise job is to make false swarm. It is 95% sure method. I do not even destroy queen cells.
I move the hive 10 feet then I put foundation hive on old site, including queen and brood frame. Old bees fly by themselves to the new hive and forget the swarming.
If the hive is full of honey, it swarm without warning.
Last summer I lost a sawrm, which has one week ago mated queen. The box was filled quickly with raspberry nectar and the queen left .