In our area we only use one broodchamber - 10 Langstroth frames.
From experiments done here and in Israel this is by far the best solution, If you have bees with a low swarming instinct they do not need more.
We know that a queen lays about 1,500 eggs a day, If you do some simple calculations you will find that TOTAL brood area is contained in less than five complete frames, so why give them 20 or 30 frames.
The bees and queen organise the brood area in the broodchamber with the brood area extending to 8 or 9 frames, any surplus honey is stored in the supers above the queen excluder.
The supers are medium depth (170mm) and are used exclusively for the storage of honey, supers are removed as soon as they are capped and are replaced by empty ones which in spring usually have a number of frames fitted with foundation to get the bees up into the supers, away from the brood area, and working on collecting honey.
Best regards