Boat owner found!
He said that some "lads" had been seen taking it from the davits on his yacht and paddling out to sea ( reported to Teignmouth plod)
Lads must have got fed up and abandoned it, then drifted up the coast to our somewhat isolated cove.
Now collected by a very thankful owner, we have yet to work out the "salvage and stowage/safe keeping" issues.
Chap became a bit sniffy when my wife suggested half the value of the inflatable be donated to the RNLI!
Receiver of Wreck ( off record) seemed to think if the chap could afford a yacht with a new inflatable, he could at least make a Tax deductible charitable donation to a very worthy cause.
More advice to be sought from my dear Brother in Law methinks!
Thank you Thorn for your excellent posts.
Poor Derek Bentley, obviously Austic/Aspberger's, from what I know of the terrible case he should never have been hanged until dead.