Does Size matter

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House Bee
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
north west Between man and bolton
Hive Type
Number of Hives
7 and 2 nucs
a have few queens of various colours/ strains, from black to yellow to mohogony.
but this little lady who arived in a very small swarm in my bath is very small.
is she just a virgin waiting to mate or are some just smaller than others?
View attachment 10545
just placed it next to them and they walked on. but only enough to fill one frame.
she is small but shes gonna be needed for another failed supersedure number 4 this year!
bees know better than me imho.
no ill try get foto tomoz if shes layin shes goin in a hive. but gonna try that caged queen queenless test that was in bbka a few months ago.
I picked up a small cast swarm three weeks ago on two frames and looked Sunday and they have two frames of solid sealed brood
Hi meetballuk,
She is what is commonly called a 'scrub' queen. Can still be good layers, if you are short, inconvenient though as she will go through the QE.
Hi meetballuk,
She is what is commonly called a 'scrub' queen. Can still be good layers, if you are short, inconvenient though as she will go through the QE.

thanks for the reply beeno, good to know. but i dont know what my height has got to do with fitting through the queen excluder. i have never tryed to fit through one but i suspect i am to fat.