Do Large cats eat honeybees?

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Quite simple really just take anyone with you who can’t run as fast
Some one or something toppled one of my colonies near to the Big Cat sightings

Should I take something with me to protect myself when the 7 day safaris start.... 14-10 or similar?


It's a 4-10 by the way ......... I would of thought a burly looking Cornish men dressed up in a bee suit would be enough to scare the pants of anyone .
You could take a gun slinging belt round your waste with hive tools in make it look like you mean business... :welcome:
I'm turning in to a troll you Cornish snow pixie!!
Should I take something with me to protect myself when the 7 day safaris start.... 14-10 or similar? need to MAN will make a nice trophy mounted on your kitchen wall....particularly when you claim you killed it with only your hive tool to defend yourself with. need to MAN will make a nice trophy mounted on your kitchen wall....particularly when you claim you killed it with only your hive tool to defend yourself with.

I can see the headlines " burley Cornish Man kills big cat with hive tool " .... What do you think???
I had more in mind of a headline saying "Missing beekeepers Hive tool found in big cats droppings".
Some are taking it seriously... so many possible lairs for a large carnivore family and a good supply of rabbits for them to eat.... add to that the Chipperfield's Circus disappearing large cats....
the search area....

Sales of electric fences have cleared the shelves of one local farm supplier!!!
Some are taking it seriously...
Sales of electric fences have cleared the shelves of one local farm supplier!!!

Well you should be able to pick up some good secondhand equipment shortly then. Even a domestic cat can spring well over a meter high. Bulk standard electric fencing won't keep a big cat out - may keep the pooch or cat in I suppose, especially if a net is used.
Near 50 years since the law change that made people release and abandon big cats and on Bodmin moor, although you get the carcasses of livestock that everyone blames on these big cats, no one has trapped, shot or found the remains of a big cat. People see them every year but no concrete evidence. Not sure big cats live that long in the wild in there natural habitat and if they are breeding, where are all the bodies????

They are giving God and Irish snakes a good run for their money.

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