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New Bee
Mar 31, 2017
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I started beekeeping 4 years ago.
I have 2 colonies, langstroth with deep broods. For the last three years I have had continual swarms and almost always lose them.
last year I decided to add a second brood box in the thought that perhaps they needed extra room to stop them swarming. This didn’t work.
I would really appreciate some advice on what I should be doing to keep my bees and perhaps see some honey as I feel completely lost.

I started beekeeping 4 years ago.
I have 2 colonies, langstroth with deep broods. For the last three years I have had continual swarms and almost always lose them.
last year I decided to add a second brood box in the thought that perhaps they needed extra room to stop them swarming. This didn’t work.
I would really appreciate some advice on what I should be doing to keep my bees and perhaps see some honey as I feel completely lost.
Have you been conducting weekly checks throughout the spring and summer?
If so - have you conducted artificial swarms on finding queen cells?
Hi, I started beekeeping 4 years ago.
I have 2 colonies, langstroth with deep broods. For the last three years I have had continual swarms and almost always lose them.
last year I decided to add a second brood box in the thought that perhaps they needed extra room to stop them swarming. This didn’t work.
I would really appreciate some advice on what I should be doing to keep my bees and perhaps see some honey as I feel completely lost.
Can you describe what your management of the colonies entails during the spring ?
You need to be inspecting your colonies every week.
Before doing this weekly inspection make sure you know what you should be looking for. If you are not sure then seek guidance from a beekeeper that has some experience.
One thing you need to look for every week is any swarm preparations.
If you do find the bees starting to build Queen cells then you need to take action.
So read up on swarm control now whilst the bees are over wintering.
Finding a mentor is really beneficial.
Having some spare equipment is useful.
It is possible that your bees have a swarm nature. I had some like that and blamed my beekeeping ability until a bought a colony. The original bunch just kept on swarming, while the new lot spent their time filling and capping the super frames.
Try requeening them.