Queen Bee
Seeing that most foragers die in the field , how do you estimate the numbers of forages lost?
The reduction in colony size ? Which of course is also related to reduction in egg laying !
Do you rely on intuition?
Winter bees bred for a long life rather than any immediate requirement as field bees, how to they fit into the equation ?
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With you on this one, 500 is a very low number to lose
12 frame 14x12 of 65,000 bees in July, early September has approx 50,000 bees reduces 15-20,000 on 4 frames early March,
So say 30,000-40,000 bees die in 26 weeks and that averages out at 1000- 1500 die per week, ok death rate is not linear but i expect my hives are now around 35,000, perhaps finman will tell us the average death rate per week over winter
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