Crystallized Honey

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
I know you can warm crystallized honey up in warm water to get it runny again, i have seen the term about using a seed what exactly does this mean and what does it do, i think i have read somewhere that another source of honey is used but that is as much as i know or can find.
Thanks in advance.
When you warm crystallised honey up the aim is to melt it entirely so that there are no crystals left; you have then, runny honey.
If you want to make soft set then you need to control the way the honey crystallises. You need it to crystallise around a small crystal so that it is smooth and doesn't feel gritty in the mouth so you seed it with a small crystal.
You can use your own crystallised honey ground down in a pestle and mortar, some previous soft set or something like clover honey bought from the supermarket.
You warm both melted honey and seed (though not till it melts the crystal...just enough to make it fluid and mix thoroughly. There used to be a good video here on the forum

Yes, here it is
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Thank you Erica. What percentage of seed honey would you use for the crystallized honey, i have been searching the web for videos but i can't find anything.

Edited to Add just spotted your link, :thanks:

10% of your total bulk mix
If you only have a small quantity of soft set available ( because the rug rats have eaten it!) .................make up a small batch of soft set seed using the small jar first ( say 227g )soft set to 2000g (2kg) runny
then add this mix to make up 20kg ie 2kg soft set seed to 18kg runny, increase quantities pro rata

Temp is quite important 16 degrees reducing to 14 cent.
Stir very slowly and bottle as soon as possible ( slow stir in the creaming machine or using a stainless screw eliminates small bubbles that can look unsightly when they rise to top of honey)

Yeghes da
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Google Youtube soft set honey Rooftops?
Nos da
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same video on youtube
With osr we use what is in the bucket to seed itself.
Warm the bucket fairly quickly so the outside gets to a runny state, but the middle of the honey is still granulated but soft. Then stir and allow to cool, do this for a day or two, until you get the desired result. If the granulation is too course and/or it goes too runny then you can use a seed from another source as mentioned above.
Please be aware that to seed successfully the target honey must be ALL liquid.

Then seed and stir. If you want to you can seed a small amount to begin with using a pound of quality nicely soft set honey, then bulk up from that. Which is what I did my first time around.


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