conflicting advice

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Funny you should notice this as I did as well with some late night reading, also was it 3 or 4 pages devoted to a survey about the readership?! One good item on Ivy and a rehash of swarm control. Finish the mag in 15 mins.
Yes, I was struck by the propinquity of conflicting advice in the October BBKA magazine, too. I'm in the "no-go unless urgent camp"

I am also mystified by the consistent viewing of my page on a professional Link site by the BBKA's secretary. First time this happened, I sent a polite e-mail inviting the person to Link, but no response. Second time, I got spooked and complained to a Trustee about this odd use of BBKA time and resources - consistently looking up BBKA members on professional Link sites, without responding when cordially invited to. Not even an acknowledgement of my complaint to Trustee so far...even after a reminder...

What on earth can they be up to, silently snooping on their own BBKA members ?

No doubt they also monitor this website to learn what a proper forum looks like and not the pitiful excuse for one the official one is..
Bear in mind the chairman is also a masterbeekeeper

I didn't think we were discussing who had the most rings on his shoulder rather the fact that on two consecutive pages there was totally conflicting 'advice' - really poor editorial overseeing in my view as well.
I have known quite a few 'master' carpenters in my time and I wouldn't trust some of them to chop sticks for firewood, so not always a good yardstick (present company excluded) :D

I would just like to...............................

well, as I'm in a good mood might as well join in the snivelling and thank everyone (well, almost all) for their varied contributions - constructive, informative, educational, critical, thought provoking and amusing not worthynot worthynot worthy:puke: oh, and Dusty :D:leaving:
I didn't think we were discussing who had the most rings on his shoulder rather the fact that on two consecutive pages there was totally conflicting 'advice' - really poor editorial overseeing in my view as well.
I have known quite a few 'master' carpenters in my time and I wouldn't trust some of them to chop sticks for firewood, so not always a good yardstick (present company excluded) :D

well, as I'm in a good mood might as well join in the snivelling and thank everyone (well, almost all) for their varied contributions - constructive, informative, educational, critical, thought provoking and amusing not worthynot worthynot worthy:puke: oh, and Dusty :D:leaving:

Jenkins, you have got the wrong idea there! On occasion the person in question has brought us back from the abyss when the forum has gone into one. Probably, so subtle that no one noticed!
I didn't think we were discussing who had the most rings on his shoulder rather the fact that on two consecutive pages there was totally conflicting 'advice' - really poor editorial overseeing in my view as well.
I have known quite a few 'master' carpenters in my time and I wouldn't trust some of them to chop sticks for firewood, so not always a good yardstick (present company excluded) :D

well, as I'm in a good mood might as well join in the snivelling and thank everyone (well, almost all) for their varied contributions - constructive, informative, educational, critical, thought provoking and amusing not worthynot worthynot worthy:puke: oh, and Dusty :D:leaving:

I think you are being rather disrespectful and I am not talking about myself!
Yes, I was struck by the propinquity of conflicting advice in the October BBKA magazine, too. I'm in the "no-go unless urgent camp"

A new word for me, thanks,
"What is Propinquity?
In short, propinquity means nothing more than simple physical closeness. "
Yes conflicting advice it is beekeeping after all with more than one solution to a situation. The BBKA are made up of individuals all with their ways of beekeeping and the BBKA also set exams and they require a right answer to the question so perhaps people mistakenly think the BBKA have only one way of beekeeping the right answer to the questions they set and its just not the case.

If we want to see conflicting advice we need not look any further than this place or are we calling that constructive varied advice!!
I didn't think we were discussing who had the most rings on his shoulder rather the fact that on two consecutive pages there was totally conflicting 'advice' - really poor editorial overseeing in my view as well.

Personally I'm happy that, as is the case with this forum, the BBKA, in its magazine, is happy to allow conflicting approaches, rather than lay down a set path.
Surely you put your page there to be viewed! Are you trying to say you only want it viewed by the people who give you a reason for doing so? That's me shot down when I'm surfing then!

Hi Enrico,

Sure..but the behaviour pattern is so odd in this case: the Secretary of the BBKA visits a BBKA Member's Professional Link, deliberately, or by accident....yes, that could be pretty standard behaviour for a lazy lunchtime surf.

But then for the BBKA Secretary to decline to acknowledge that fellow beekeeper's cordial invitation to Link - and then to return to that BBKA Member's Link over a period of time without any explanation or engagement seems unusual to me, whether is on BBKA's time and resources, or on the BBKA Secretary's own. Why would you do that ?

As your avatar states: "That is the question!"
Hi Enrico,

Sure..but the behaviour pattern is so odd in this case: the Secretary of the BBKA visits a BBKA Member's Professional Link, deliberately, or by accident....yes, that could be pretty standard behaviour for a lazy lunchtime surf.

But then for the BBKA Secretary to decline to acknowledge that fellow beekeeper's cordial invitation to Link - and then to return to that BBKA Member's Link over a period of time without any explanation or engagement seems unusual to me, whether is on BBKA's time and resources, or on the BBKA Secretary's own. Why would you do that ?

As your avatar states: "That is the question!"

There's a perfectly simple explanation which is unsuitable for a family orientated site...:)
I've visited a few LinkedIn sites to check someone out, either to see if he's someone I knew and have lost touch with, or to check out an opponent's history and experience. And I've ignored a number of invitations to connect. Others have done the same with me. There's nothing sinister about it. It's normal behaviour in the LinkedIn "community".
As soon as I completely retire I'm going to unsubscribe from it. It's as pointless as Facebook. But my practice manager wanted us all to have a presence there, as he's convinced our prospective business clients will see our profiles and beat a path to our door.
I've visited a few LinkedIn sites to check someone out, either to see if he's someone I knew and have lost touch with, or to check out an opponent's history and experience. And I've ignored a number of invitations to connect. Others have done the same with me. There's nothing sinister about it. It's normal behaviour in the LinkedIn "community".
As soon as I completely retire I'm going to unsubscribe from it. It's as pointless as Facebook. But my practice manager wanted us all to have a presence there, as he's convinced our prospective business clients will see our profiles and beat a path to our door.

OK Thorn. But to use your logic....since I do not know the person involved, I guess they must be "checking out an opponent's history and experience", as you suggest. But for me, that is definitely sinister, since I am a Member of the organisation the Secretary represents.

Or perhaps she is doing it on someone else's behalf. But that would be an abuse of her position as Secretary of the BBKA....
A few years ago I signed up to Linkedin never actually used it but I think it came from an invitation at the time. However the invitations that go out requesting someone to link often go out without the sender knowing. Linkedin somehow scans peoples email address and when they see a match of two people who are members they automatically send a request to link and some requests go out to people who are not registered. Its a bad practice and Linkedin has been getting a bit of pressure to stop the annoying practice. I have stopped worrying about refusing people I know in the fear of offending as I know they will also be refusing my so-called invitation to link.
OK Thorn. But to use your logic....since I do not know the person involved, I guess they must be "checking out an opponent's history and experience", as you suggest. But for me, that is definitely sinister, since I am a Member of the organisation the Secretary represents.

Or perhaps she is doing it on someone else's behalf. But that would be an abuse of her position as Secretary of the BBKA....

In my case it's usually opponents - it's not that I'm paranoid, but the whole world is against me.

Perhaps I would have better said "finding out a bit more about someone who may be of interest". Perhaps she's looking for a successor.
In my case it's usually opponents - it's not that I'm paranoid, but the whole world is against me.

Perhaps I would have better said "finding out a bit more about someone who may be of interest". Perhaps she's looking for a successor.

Maybe its being an "Essex Boy living in Leeds" which brings on the paranoia - I'm only a North London boy living in sarf London, and I'm susceptible !

Someone else has PM'ed me to make a connection which suddenly makes sense - it would seem that the BBKA Secretary is very friendly with another BKA case closed on this thread.

Back to the bees: I hear conflicting advice on Autumn drenching with anti-nosema plant polyphenol-based product in weak syrup. Pros and cons ?
I hear conflicting advice on Autumn drenching with anti-nosema plant polyphenol-based product in weak syrup. Pros and cons ?

Eh? could we have the question in English (or Welsh if you don't want everybody to understand :D)
Eh? could we have the question in English (or Welsh if you don't want everybody to understand :D)

I was trying to avoid using Nozevit product name - so I used its own description of itself, which may have proved impenetrable. Sorry, guys...

So is Autumn drenching with Nozevit effective against nosema ? Some say that it is best anti-nosema treatment since fumagillen; others would not drench at low temperatures. That the conflict.....