Possibly colony is crowded or the queen may have left the hive and has climbed onto the bottom.
Tis a clutch of chicks.....a grist of bees ( or a swarm , if a swarm) and an argument of beekeepers!
Yeghes da
They may have undershot the entrance if on OMF, in which cas block any gap between landing board and ground. Once down there they don't realise how to get through the OMF so they just keep trying. Gently lift them to the entrance in a gloved hand and they will troop in.
When making hive stands i put a board across the front to help prevent them undershooting, the grass grows up and fills the small gap below and to date i have not had that problem yet.
Does she lay nice cackleberries
Very large entrance block to get that Queen in....lol
Sorry i have a imaginative sense of humor Child like at times..