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New Bee
Jul 26, 2011
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I am thinking of adding a couple of chickens into my apriary, to help keep down the weeds etc, will the bees mind do you think

My bees are fine but the chickens are wary. They won't go near the hives if the bees are flying!
Are thay all in the same area, I am thinking of an encloseure of about 16m square
My chooks and bees seem to get on havn't had any problems yet
I am thinking of adding a couple of chickens into my apriary, to help keep down the weeds etc, will the bees mind do you think


I read something on here last year from someone who had lost several chickens when the bees attacked them. The bees had become agitated because of wasps and followed her away from the apiary and attacked the chickens. Do a search on this site see if you can find it!
My hives are right next to the chicken run and there has never been a problem
I have chickens in the same area as the bees about 20 mtrs away from them .Mine are free ranging around the place , they go around the back of the hives scratching at the ground but stay away from the entrances. They are together now about 4 years. They move well away when the hives are being inspected.
Go for it. I have two hens free ranging in the garden and the henhouse is next to the hive. No problems with either. All I need to complete the good life is Felicity Kendal- but I think she is out of my league. Te He.;)
have 3 hives and 17 chickens at the back of my garden. the bees are in the chickens freerange area, the chcikens will sit on the stands next the hives and also on top of them plus also clear up the dead bees. they occasionally will peck at a bee leaving the hive but not often.
Have 20 chickens - they scratch under the hives when they are free roaming - only problem is on of my Marans who insists on standing in front of one of the entrances attracting a swarm of aggitated bees - she soon runs away.

The bees visit the chickens as well - to suck moisture out of fresh chicken poo.
Mine don't care that the hive is there. The dog is adifferent story.