New Bee
Hi, looking for advice from all you experts; this is my third year of beekeeping so I have a lot to learn. I have two colonies at the moment and I have been checking for queen cells every 7 days. Today has been very rainy and humid and the bees aren't flying much, so I wouldn't have chosen to open up my hive (I did the other yesterday which went fine). But having read various threads about looking at bees in bad weather I decided I should go ahead, especially as a large swarm landed briefly in my garden yesterday (unfortunately moved on before I could catch it) and I wanted to see if it was from my hive. I went through the brood box very carefully and took down several queen cells. I didn't see a queen but I did see eggs and brood. The bees were extremely aggressive although I didn't get stung. They have always been lively, but this was the worst I have ever seen them - I was as calm and gentle as possible and closed up as soon as I could, but although I did what I set out to do it was not a pleasant experience. My question is, was I right to disturb them or would some of you have advised against an inspection on a day like this?