Changing partially to deep brood

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House Bee
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
East Sussex
Hive Type
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Hi -
Partially as a result of loads of swarming last year (primary and secondary from one hive) which obviously could be largely my inexperience, I thought I'd experiment with larger brood chambers.

I have three hives. I am planning to leave one hive as a single brood box, buy a 14 * 12 BB for the second, and do a double brood box setup for the third.

This means I only need to buy one BB (I have a spare BB for a fourth empty hive anyway) this year, and have the option to return to singles next year or gradually change over. As far as I understand, with the double BB hive I also have the option to create an extra nuc colony if it seems appropriate?

My main question is with the two changed hives. If I simply add the deep BB over the current BB, and do the same with the double BB hive) is there any best time to do this? (I guess this is the equivalent of a Bailey comb change is it?). Should I wait until the weather is warmer or the current BB is very full or can I add the extra one at any time?

And is it then just a question of adding a QE in between when the queen is laying in the (new) top BB?
When you say deep, I suppose you really mean 'extra deep'?

Things can get confusing when you use the wrong terms.

You seem to say you already have four deep boxes?

If so, why not simply convert one to 14 x 12 (extra deep) with an eke? Changing frame size might need a bit if timing.

An alternative might be using a couple of supers and a ~20mm eke while changing format. Simple enough but could be made complicated.

Ah Ok, thanks for that. Yes, if a normal National brood box is a deep, I mean converting to an extra deep (the same as a 14 * 12?).

I do have a spare eke so that's an option thanks. In terms of adding the new broods, am I thinking of the correct process, and is it appropriat to do this now or does it need to be reliably warmer or the colony to be fuller before I add the extra BBs over the existing ones?
As part of my swarm prevention technique I have gone to double BB ( 2 x deep BB) over the last 1-2 weeks when the original BB is getting full 8-9 frames brood.
I have, so far, had no problems with the colonies drawing out the new BB's and the queen starting to lay in them.
AFAIK decent weather and more so a good flow (OSR now in bloom in my area) are the main criteria.
Thanks for that Monsieur. It certainly feels like it down here, and the bees are appreciating it!

Yorkshire bees, our OSR is starting to appear in patches around us now, so I guess I should use that as a trigger!

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