Capped OSR

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Didnt take any crop form my hives at the end of last first year... so far from knowledgeable about is OSR something that is white and when uncapped has the appearance of horseraddish sauce?
When did they start bringing stuff in dishmop - most OSR (autumn sown) is out April/May - so if your bees were gathering then and its now rock solid it probably is OSR.
When did they start bringing stuff in dishmop - most OSR (autumn sown) is out April/May - so if your bees were gathering then and its now rock solid it probably is OSR.
Last years from dead hive....
It could be Ivy?

My ivy honey from dead hive is solid and comes out of the cells well ,cell like' in shape. Sort of crystal shaped.
Not had OSR yet (and hopefully wont but not much chance of that around here) so cant comment on that:.)
But if it is last year's crop - and if you treated for varroa last autumn - you will not be planning to sell it, will you?
Possible, as they would have found that on nearby houses and nearer than any OS that they would have found..

if fed syrup when they are bringing ivy they mix it, the resultant mix looks white and pasty soft toothpaste and does not set solid

mine trend to cap ivy earlier than syrup and leave it until last so i get sunken patches of ivy mix in the store combs
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Not had OSR yet (and hopefully wont but not much chance of that around here)

Why??? OSR is great for colony build up... Yeah it is a bit of a palava to do an early extraction but it could double your honey crop as well!!!

Given the choice I would prefer to have OSR than not much else in late April.

Ben P

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