House Bee
Hi,was wondering if many on here use commercial hives to keep the buckfast type of bee, having prolific queens how do they find managing them on single brood boxes?
Rab have been using commercial for over twenty years more than adequate for the black bees and as you say if only used for brooding grand for the buckfast.I'm finding that I have to take out a lot of brood frames of stores mainly pollen and freeze them and replace them with empty combs on a very regular basis.Are guys who are keeping a lot of commercial hives with prolific queens having to do this or are they using double commercial boxes or something else?Think here. What is the maximum lay rate of your queens? The cell cycle time is about 25 days.
Only one comic on the forum has queens which lay at a rate of 4000 eggs per day for 12 days, then immediately stop for a 'rest' (in a National deep). The rest of us have queens which might peak at a rate somewhat less than that and lay more consistently.
70k cells should accommodate most queens if the whole box is used for brooding. Frames of stores at each end are the first bottleneck..... Might depend on whether you use drone brood culling for varroa control (and when, of course) as well. Box construction may have a bearing, too - considering here the level of insulation.
Do some simple maths for yourself, is my advice. Some answers you will get will be from some who might be misleading, to say the least. Depends a bit on whether you want facts or unsubstantiated opinion.
... have been using commercial for over twenty years more than adequate for the black bees and as you say if only used for brooding grand for the buckfast.I'm finding that I have to take out a lot of brood frames of stores mainly pollen and freeze them and replace them with empty combs on a very regular basis.Are guys who are keeping a lot of commercial hives with prolific queens having to do this or are they using double commercial boxes or something else?
DanBee you mean you keep yours on double commercial so you don't agree with Itma when he says "Double-Commercial brood is superbee territory. // or fantasy land" could you tell a bit more how you get on with the double brood?