Brown goo on queen cage

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All my weeding is manual in the garden, no pesties for me.
Though not all weeds are pulled or dug out. Dandies are left as are daises etc, even the shallow rooted narrowleaf plantain is replanted in the wild area for it nice leaf structure and the pollen loaded flower stalk.
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Haha t
Don’t worry @busybeemum. We are not giving you the third degree simply trying to help. As a beginner with little support it is easy to make mistakes. We all lose bees. Nobody is judging you just trying to get to the bottom of the problem.
Haha don't worry, I'm really grateful for the help! The dead hives still had frames and frames of honey, they were piled up inside and next to the hives. Found the queen dead in each too 🥺 I cleaned out the hives straight away (even hoovered the grass to get the dead ones so the hens didn't eat them, just incase 🤣 don't tell hubby I used the Dyson in the garden!) New queen is in. They started feeding her and chasing me away from the cage instantly. Went back the next day and took the yellow tab off so that they can let her out. Hoping all is well. I haven't opened them up yet as it's really windy and I want to let her settle. 🤞Will keep you posted. Also I saw 4 bottles of roundup in the neighbors recycling bin...yeah so organic 🤨

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