Brood Frame Drawing in September

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Oct 17, 2011
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For the first time the apiary has been swamped in Heather Honey :mad:(Blast!!!) … The Hives are national double brood. Whereas the supers are now off, the vagabonds have used the top brood boxes as aux supers and filled and capped across the frames to the detriment of laying space. I have removed some frames for pressing and replacement but more to go… I have many brood foundation frames and the question(s) is/are:

  • Will Brood foundation be drawn out in Sept or is it too late? [Wouldn’t even look at Super foundation in August]
  • I have applied Apiguard (had to) so if I store these remaining capped frames (remved) over winter can the Honey be extracted/pressed without taint in springtime? Or can it be pressed without taint now?
Appreciate views as this really is an unanticipated curve ball. [Pressing not immediate as awaiting scrim bags etc.]
Feeding or a flow of ivy they’ll readily draw frames. On good sized nucs or colonies they can be added to the centre of the brood area or if your a little conservative to the edge. Personally with feed or flow on I add to centre. But there’s obviously a little judgement required on your part given weather/local area.
Oh, I’ve had a Homer Simpson moment ‘Duh!’ … been feeding Nuc’s 1:1 all season to draw comb… the notion of feeding a hive already full of stores threw me but of course, so thanks for jolting me out of the groove.

Eric, a very good point. There are 25 strong double units and supers have only just come off, so this allows a great number of bees in less space. The numbers will dwindle away by November. Presently, laying space is under pressure as bottom boxes are also filling and the Ivy is looming if not yet blooming. BUT a point well-made and received.

So as per JBM advice: The syrup is being prepped …

and Ian thanks the Foundation Frames will be appropriately placed in or about brood. My intention had been to replace some upper sealed (heather) frames. However, they will likely simply refill them.

Genuine Thank you for your time and welcome advice. P