Bought wring size foundation- ok to trim?

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House Bee
May 7, 2014
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Bought wired deep brood foundation by mistake instead of SN1s. Can I trim these down to size or will it compromise the strength of the frame? Don't want to have a full frame collapse on me!
no problem IMHO - wire reinforcing not quite aqs crucial on shallow frames - don't think HM uses ay, and I have successfuly extracted honey from unwired frames in the past.
I have had unwired frames blow in a tangential extractor before now. I would mark them and be sure not to over-stress them, eg build up speed slower, turn sooner.

The frames are wired- just too big. Wondering whether trimming will weaken wire support
Bit of a waste, can't you buy the right size and keep that for later. It will be needed one day!
The frames are wired- just too big. Wondering whether trimming will weaken wire support

I'm lost here. Are you talking about wired frames or was foundation? or both?
The frames are wired- just too big. Wondering whether trimming will weaken wire support
If you're using SN1 you mean the wax is pre-wired as in the usual National format? Wiring the frames is more Langstroth practice. A deep national wired foundation trimmed at the bottom to shallow height won't be much weaker, probably even stronger.

Neither the wax sheet or wire is pinned at the bottom, just loosely sandwiched between the bottom bars. The wax is attached to the frame by the bees which will still be the case. The wire is there to resist a tearing of the foundation sheet in the extractor. There might be a small loss in strength of attachment to the frame by losing the loops at the bottom but my guess is that you would actually gain strength across the whole sheet by having the wires more evenly spaced along the base.
Thanks very much, Alanf.
or if you fancy a drive out this weekend I will swop with you.
Your brood for my super foundation, T's premier.
Bought wired deep brood foundation by mistake instead of SN1s. Can I trim these down to size or will it compromise the strength of the frame? Don't want to have a full frame collapse on me!

If the wire is not secured to the frame it will be able to "pull through" the comb when it's put under stress, (ie. spun when it's full of honey) especially when warm. As the weight reduces there is less chance of this happening, in anycase, it should be no weaker than unwired comb.

However,I don't see why you would waste good brood foundation when shallow wired is so readily available???:calmdown: