Birthday Card Joke.

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Are you ever up a ladder, minding your own business??
Looks like it's a play on the often stated fact bees will only sting to protect their colony, but in reality you get the odd one that seems to follow you about.
Well it made me laugh. Ever been stung when you were at the top of a ladder. I think I might sting you just for a laugh!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha very funny
I got this birthday card with what appears to be a bee joke on it however I can not make sense of it..anyone out there work it out.

You actually got this card?
Like someone bought it and addressed the sentiment(s) to You?
I'd laugh...buuut.... just don't 'know' you well enough (yet) to say
it is deserved - regardless of the 8.2K posts.

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You actually got this card?
Like someone bought it and addressed the sentiment(s) to You?
I'd laugh...buuut.... just don't 'know' you well enough (yet) to say
it is deserved - regardless of the 8.2K posts.

If i had not broke my wrist two days ago i would come and give you a thick lug..just saying..:spy:


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I read the joke as bees are aware that stinging will cause their own death and it would be sensible to only sting to protect the hive. However they would find stinging somebody on top of a ladder minding their own business so tempting they could not resist. So the punchline is that bees are evil and enjoy causing chaos even if it costs them their life to do so?
I can't see how anyone who is a beekeeper doesn't see the humour in this. Every week I go into my hives, open them all up, move them about, cover them in smoke, kill their queen cells, put chemicals in to kill the mites. I subsequently steal thier honey and give them ordinary sugar in return. All of this happens [mostly] untouched by bees. And then...

...I'm feeding my fish in the pond, hidden from the apiary by dense bushes, and one of them comes up (this happened on Monday) and stings me on the neck.

I suppose I find humour in irony because that is definitely what the birthday card is about.
If i had not broke my wrist two days ago i would come and give you a thick lug..just saying..:spy:

"lug"..?..taipoe?... that or you *are* a very funny guy. Heh

/folds hands/

Thanks all...after reading through the comments i get the jest of thing's...but although wasps do not die from stinging it is more fitting towards them..although i have the odd (what i can describe) dodgy colony i never get stung for no reason anymore like before with angry mongrel bees that i started out with.
Thanks all...after reading through the comments i get the jest of thing's...but although wasps do not die from stinging it is more fitting towards them..although i have the odd (what i can describe) dodgy colony i never get stung for no reason anymore like before with angry mongrel bees that i started out with.

Well, what a nice (pleasant) manner to use in ending the topic.
Proof selfevident that card was not warranted. Congrats.

/warm smile/


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