Drone Bee
You are either ignorant of the facts or a flaming troll.
Were you aware that the carnica bees bred for decades on isolated islands in Germany have some amm mitochondrial dna?
Thank you for your kind words, personally I prefer reasoned debate.
Last time I looked I seemed quite human, not a trace of troll.....and as for ignorance, well I worked in a mainstream molecular genetics research lab at UCL for over 30 years, I'll let you decide if that makes me ignorant of the facts or not.
I think you have me wrong if you think I'm knocking bee breeding and improvement, but speaking genetically mongrels are not the best material to start breeding from. Hence my fascination to this apparent obsession of using our current mongrels. Silk purse and sows' ear would be a good analogy here. There is so little control over the patrilineages that establishing and stabilising any decent traits is a lottery (in most cases) and I see few attempts to try and provide isolated mating sites where any good traits might be stabilised.....Even if you did, the lottery begins again as soon as they are allowed to breed again with the local toms. ROI has both of these areas for their native Amms and also for Buckfast bees. I also never see people selecting drones lines for breeding purposes, all the efforts are concentrated on the ladies.....
Overall I think all these efforts are a little amateurish but well intentioned. A bit more thought and less aggression directed against those who don't quite agree with your ideas might help.
You do realise that mtDNA is passed along the maternal lineage ad infinitum (although recent work has shown that occasionally paternal mtDNA can be transmitted, but rarely) So not really a surprising finding if you think about it. You can find linguista mDNA in all our current mongrels as well as Amm etc etc. There is also always going to be doubts over studies like this due to the choosing of which regions to amplify with PCR as being totally species specific. Point me in the direction of the paper concerned and I'll have a look at it.
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