Best Treatment from Insurance Company..

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Saturday 1st November 2008..approx 4.45pm Driving wifes car. Taxi ran into back of it.
Sunday.. Boss of taxi company phoned and asked if we were ok.
Gave non committal answer.

Tuesday... Taxi insurance company called and said taxi firm admitting full liablity.
Wednesday...Damage assessor from taxi insurance company arrived to look at car.
Also a hire car arranged by taxi insurance company arrived.

They offered us money for car... Cash in lieu of repairs...
Money arrived 12 days after accident.
I repaired the an afternoon...category C write off and had to have it looked at by ministry.£54
Wife now has a car that cost her nothing...

Taxi insurance also arranged medical examinations for us... Offered us compensation..... All sorted and done ...

dont know why I started this as a new thread.
Sounds like you had better treatment that I've had. I had a van run into the back of me while I was stationary at a round about and he is claiming that I backed or rolled into him and that on a level road. My car was only 2 days old when it happened, now having to take the jerk to court!!!

I had somebody drive into me on a roundabout...

He said in his description I was in the left hand lane for left turn and straight ahead.... AS I PASSED THE SECOND EXIT the Mercedes drove into me.
My insurance company said they hadnt got my description and if they didnt get themin 14 days the case would be closed in the other person favour.. I re-sent details next day.... phoned 3 two days later to see if they had got them and they sais the case had been closed in other blokes favour as they hadnt recieved details from me........ Anybody looking at his drawing which was the same as the one I submitted.. would have seen that he was at fault..He was turning right (third exit) form alane marked as left and straight. I even sent google earth pics to show the road markings...
Company woudlnt back down on their mistake... citing a clause in the policy that basically said that any desision they made did not even have to be the correct one........
I had an accident where the car behind the car behind me ran in to me. The insurance company of that final car phoned me first thing the next morning and asked me if I felt one shunt from the back or two (one shunt meant it was the final car pushing the one bhind me into me) and thereafter they just accepted responsibility (in that call) and put everything into motion. They were trheatening to write off my elderly car (which I pointed out was not very green - it was really only the bumper and my car was even driveable). So it was repaired fairly quickly during which time I had a car I had a replacement car. It is a good advert for these insurance companies when they minimise the hassle. I stopped shopping around so aggressively when I realised that it has lots of disadvantages. The insurance companies have to try to get out of more if their margins are small; they also have some cunning ploys - for example, at one time you might have a 10 year no claims bonus but if you changed to one with a max of 6 years, if you changed again your'd find your no claims years had decreased to their maximum. So the premium may be look less but you may find hidden costs down the line. Though I keep my eye on costs, I now insure through my bank (First Direct) because they would lose more than an insurance deal possibly if they get it wrong. Since I have taken this view my insurance has gone up £8 the one year, £20 the next (coincided with a slightly more powerful car) and another small amount the next. The ones who are cheapest seem often to put a bigger hike in costs the second year. Undercutting was so bad that I started to fear a scandal akin to the banks' even before the banks were exposed.
I stick with my bank for life insurance.
It costs more per year but as they pointed out,in the event of my death they can hardly argure with themselves regards finishing the mortgage off ect..
Re banks and insurance...

Family holidayto Crete.. Wife went to bank to get some euros.... they asked her if she was interested in family holiday insurance package....
She took the offer.

Whilst on holiday my youngest daughter who was at university and was 16/17 cant remember,,,, got bitten by a bug on her arm which turned a bit red so just to be safe we went to a local chemist and he gave her some tablets......... about an hour later in the car she said she didnt feel well...... did an about turn back to the town we had just driven thro and found a walk in doctors place..... receptionist was going thro all the questions and insurance and what colour is your dog etc and daughter was only just able to stand......... a doctor who had been standing across the other side of the room suddenly zipped over and led my daughter to a cubicle..... Within minutes he had her on a drip to flush out her system and the receptionist was still fluffing about her forms.....
We had to go back later to collect her and all was OK.. Doctor also gave her some ointment which seemed to be something magic because it cured all sorts of rashes and skin problems...

anyway......... it seems that had she not been a student we would have had to pay for the treatment,, because it turned out that hidden in the small print (that you cant read)..of the "family insurance cover" it didnt cover your children over 16 unless they were in full time education....
Had words with the bank about it and they said they didnt know.......they thought family meant family and didnt know there was restrictions...... Cant remember if it said when your children who are with you become adults tho..

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