Beginners' own queens or not?

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Fudged facts... what about II... we could breed super black bees all year around in our artificial environmentally controlled super bee breeding laboratory... we can even grow coffee and bananas, and most supermarkets sell British grown tomatoes all year round... we probably now even export to the frozen north!

Geodesic domes are a wonderful thing... and they are springing up everywhere in Sunny Cornwall !
This year we tried to make Nucs and failed... they were all too big for a nucs they all had to depart in full hives, the last one left at the beggining of August.
Its obvious that this cant happen cos Finman says so.

OK. YOu basics in beekeeping are 100% fine.. Nothing to be corrected. Only the figure under bottom line cannot be explained. But like one French Beekeeper said: only desperate beekeepers extract honey.

Carry on. It will be good!
It is same in Finland. A guy who got his first hive this year , he is now planning to rear own queens, splitting his only hive and everything what a beekeeping book has inside.

But perhaps nature is faster and the hive will filled with rape honey and swarm escapes in few days. Without experience he does not know what is going to happen in the hive.

That is why I wrote that schedule story here.

My friend a beginner bought this year's spring 10 hives. Hives were normal but he was able to rear hives only up to 2 boxes high. What happened? I do not know. At same time I reared 6 hives from 3 frames nuc to 6 box high.

I suppose that he kept so wide ventilation that hives too cold to build up.
Or propably, he ought to extract sooner the hives, because early raspberry yield stuckef brood areas and brooding went to minimum.


Where did you fit the tap to drain the honey from the hive?
Where did you fit the tap to drain the honey from the hive?

Into upper entrance. Normal Place.


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