Bees in Compost Bin

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Field Bee
Jul 18, 2009
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Got a call the other day about bees in a compost bin. Only about six inches of room between top of compost and lid.

Here we go, more Bumbles, but hey, this was what I was met with:

They cover approx 4 frames.

I walked them in because,
A/ I had the time
B/ the property owner was really interested in them.

Bonus, the queen was laying.

The only downside is, they smell of compost. I think I will call them "The Smelly Bees"

When I collect a swarm, I always mark the queen orange if I see her. Orange means "Unknown History" to me.
Great pictures, must try to take some myself.
Got a call the other day about bees in a compost bin. Only about six inches of room between top of compost and lid.

Here we go, more Bumbles, but hey, this was what I was met with:

They cover approx 4 frames.

I walked them in because,
A/ I had the time
B/ the property owner was really interested in them.

Bonus, the queen was laying.

The only downside is, they smell of compost. I think I will call them "The Smelly Bees"

When I collect a swarm, I always mark the queen orange if I see her. Orange means "Unknown History" to me.

I like the acrobat bee in the second picture

The bees are in a temporary location and they are very protective of the entrance (to about 150mm). Also the queen has been no stop piping. She can just be heard at 9, 25 and 35 seconds plus on the video. Not good sound, but the best I could do with my phone.

And again right at the end, I think I heard her. Why would she be pipping now? I thought they did this as they emerged. Can anyone explain? I can't wait until I hear this for the first time :)
And again right at the end, I think I heard her. Why would she be pipping now? I thought they did this as they emerged. Can anyone explain? I can't wait until I hear this for the first time :)

He did call them smelly bees:D:D

Piping occurs on two occasions before the queen emerges from her cell and just after emergence . Prior to emergence is thought to be an indicator to the colony they have a viable queen. After emergence piping is heard as a call to fight other virgin queens , generally following an afterswarm. Some times a mature quen will pipe prior to swarming. Most likely there are more than one queen in that swarm.
I collected a swarm a few weeks back in the same type of compost bin.
But my one was small. A cast I guess.
Easy to collect when it's under the lid.:)
Thanks Paleo - didn't hear the piping but I'll try on a friend's PC with proper sound...

(Why do the BBKA waste our money on trying to create a forum when we already have this ?)
There is definitely only one queen in there and she had started laying whilst in the compost bin.

Also, this type of piping is different to the type I have heard before. It is a bit lower pitched but it is constant through the day. I suspect it is for re-assurance and will stop once she has eggs or brood.

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