Bees have propolised Apiguard

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Apr 12, 2020
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One of my colonies produces copious amounts of propolis. When I went to add the the second Apiguard ,after 2 weeks, I found they had totally covered the entire tray and contents with a thick layer of propolis! I tried to scrape it off and introduced the second tray, but 2 weeks later they had done it again on both trays. I scraped out the white substance and spread it on the top bars. A week later, it too had been propolised! The reason I am concerned is because this particular colony looks to have a higher varroa count than the other colonies. Should I treat again or should I leave it until I do the oxalic acid trickle in January? I have never done vaping because my association advises against it for safety reasons.
One of my colonies produces copious amounts of propolis. When I went to add the the second Apiguard ,after 2 weeks, I found they had totally covered the entire tray and contents with a thick layer of propolis! I tried to scrape it off and introduced the second tray, but 2 weeks later they had done it again on both trays. I scraped out the white substance and spread it on the top bars. A week later, it too had been propolised! The reason I am concerned is because this particular colony looks to have a higher varroa count than the other colonies. Should I treat again or should I leave it until I do the oxalic acid trickle in January? I have never done vaping because my association advises against it for safety reasons.
I wouldn’t listen to your association safety reasons ?if you have all the correct Ppe ? I would vape them if you have the means to do so .
They sound like lovely bees, I'm a fan of propolis. I agree with CGF, take a look at vaping and the PPE required and decide for yourself regarding personal safety.
Have you found this colony has a higher mite load via a board inspection or alcohol wash? Counting mites on the inspection board only really confirms there are mites in the hive, it's not very accurate.
Sublimination of OA for bees is safe as long as one follows general guidelines of PPE if used and being up wind of any breeze/air flow and are aware of any others who may be near by.
Once set up for OA you will wonder why you bother having to open the colony to apply and remove treatments, OA depending on the delivery method used is easily done from the rear of the hive , under the mesh floor, thru a whole above the mesh floor or via the crown board.

Like wise winter no need to use the harmful trickle method, one just gives them a vape without disturbing them.

£25 can buy a copy of the varrox for under floor vaping and then all one needs is PPE mask and a battery power source, for a battery power source one can use a car starter/booster lithium type battery from ebay or amazon.|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:4429486
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Load the varrox with O/A or the Apibioxal chrystals slide it under the mesh floor on a non burn surface connect the battery for approx. 3 mins then disconnnect, wait another 3 mins for the fumes to subliminate then remove. Use a spray bottle with water to cool/wash the pan out and then do the next hive.
One should get about 5 or 6 vapes out of the charged battery.

With vaping one will need to do a minimum of three vapes at three x 5 day intervals to catch a complete brood cycle so day 1, day 6 & day 11 . The five day application is critical for high efficiacy.

If it is raining simply place the battery and connections in a water proof box for protection or use a large golfers umbrella.
With OA one can do all the years varroa treatment in autumn, winter ( one off vape )and during the spring /summer flows should one have a varroa issue.
During the flows one only has to remove the supers for the time it takes to vape the bees or place a sheet of newspaper between the supers and BB to prevent vapes affecting them.
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When vaping you can walk away from the hive once it’s set up , i normally set up the next two or three colony’s while I wait so I’m also we’ll away from any oa vapper fumes
One of my colonies produces copious amounts of propolis. When I went to add the the second Apiguard ,after 2 weeks, I found they had totally covered the entire tray and contents with a thick layer of propolis! I tried to scrape it off and introduced the second tray, but 2 weeks later they had done it again on both trays. I scraped out the white substance and spread it on the top bars. A week later, it too had been propolised! The reason I am concerned is because this particular colony looks to have a higher varroa count than the other colonies. Should I treat again or should I leave it until I do the oxalic acid trickle in January? I have never done vaping because my association advises against it for safety reasons.
I’m sorry Linda, but I find that quite amusing!
Like the others, I reckon vaping is the answer.
One of my colonies produces copious amounts of propolis. When I went to add the the second Apiguard ,after 2 weeks, I found they had totally covered the entire tray and contents with a thick layer of propolis! I tried to scrape it off and introduced the second tray, but 2 weeks later they had done it again on both trays. I scraped out the white substance and spread it on the top bars. A week later, it too had been propolised! The reason I am concerned is because this particular colony looks to have a higher varroa count than the other colonies. Should I treat again or should I leave it until I do the oxalic acid trickle in January? I have never done vaping because my association advises against it for safety reasons.
I'm often considered "tetchy" but I'll ask what experience of sublimation of OA your association "advisers" actually have?
Thank you very much for the detailed descriptions of how to vape. I had no idea how to do it and when. I presume the temperature isn't important as with Apiguard, as people seem to vape in winter. If I were to start now, as I understand it, I would need to do 3 treatments at intervals of 5 days? Would I need to do more than 1 in winter, as there is no brood, usually? Is it harmful to vape so soon after using Apiary? I only counted mites on the tray, and there were a great many, which is why I was alarmed, as none of the other colonies had anything like this number. I will try to measure the mites more accurately.
Oxalic acid is a soft chemical /compound and is found in the make up of natural honey .
One can OAV any time though best above 5c so the chrsytals don't cool straight away on the mesh floor. Typically use 2 - 2.5g of OA per application , though one can't over dose using it. Typically I use a UK 15mm plumbing end cap to measure out two cap fulls for my pan ( I have an end cap solder to a a handle to use as a spoon).

Take care using it and use common sense , don't breathe in the fumes so once the battery is connected walk away up wind and use your phones timer set to 3 mins. Disconnect battery and allow 3 mins for all fumes to settle .
I block any rear gap with a bit of foam so that excess vapes don't escape, some do it some don't .

Don't handle the OA always where a thin pair of nitriles or similar.
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Yes winter broodless treatment is just a one off OAV , in the UK we opt for around the 21st of December the shortest day . The timing isn't critcial so afew days either side is ok, but before sealed brood is layed up in earnest.
harmful to vape
Only to the beekeeper if PPE is not observed. I disagree with the recommendation to stay upwind while vaping, because that acknowledges the risk of harm but treats it lightly.

This thread will help, Linda: Masks/filters for oxalic
No one is advocating to not using PPE , moving upwind is just another sensible precaution. I have found staying within close proximity of the hives ones clothing/beesuit ends up with settled OA impregnated in the fabrics.
One reason why I stopped using the GASVAP as one has to stay with the device , I much prefer for my few hives the pan type evaporators where for 3 mins I can simply retreat 20 - 30 feet away.
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